The company strictly follows the laws of the UK in its business practices and dealing with all contracting parties according to the terms and conditions of the mutually agreed contracts, and its own employees and workers under employment agreements. The company policy is fair dealing with everyone. The company gives everyone opportunity to take independent legal advice, informed decisions and consents before entering into any contract, agreement or employment agreement with the company. However, if ever, during the performance of obligations by the parties, there is a concern, grievance, complaint or dispute between the parties, the company adopts a standard complaints and resolution procedure to tackle the situation amicably, reasonably and fairly.
The company is committed to provide quality working environment to its employees and contractors and quality service to its customers and clients. The company adopts open and accountable ways to build trust and respect for everyone working with, dealing with, and using services provided by the company. The company is always ready to listen and respond carefully to the views of everyone concerned. The company responds positively to the concerns, grievances, complaints and disputes and pledges to rectify mistakes.
Therefore, the company ensures that:
- Making a complaint is easy and accessible.
- Taking a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction to the quality of work environment and service which expects an immediate response.
- The company deals with it promptly, politely, appropriately, confidentially, and effectively.
- The company adopts the right way of explanation if there is a misunderstanding, apology if the company acted wrongly, and information of any action taken.
- The company learns from its mistakes to improve quality of work and service and reviews its policy and procedures annually.
- First Stage: The company recognises that many concerns can be raised informally and dealt with quickly as it helps keeping the matters in low profile for all parties concerned. The informal approach is the first stage to appropriateness and satisfaction.
- Second Stage: In case, the first stage informal approach cannot achieve satisfaction. The company offers the formal complaints resolution procedure to resolve the complaint or settle the matter at stage 2.
- Third Stage: In case, the complainant does not agree and / or feels satisfies with the decision after going through the formal complaint resolution procedure of the company, the complainant has the right to appeal to the company at stage 3.
- The parties have the right to Alternative Dispute Resolution either through ACAS or independent dispute resolution sources.
- Despite all efforts, if the complainant is not satisfied and the parties cannot resolve or settle the matter through internal complaints and resolution procedure, the complainant has the statutory right to complain to the Legal Ombudsman.
Complaints Resolution Procedure is based on two processes:
- Complaints Procedure; and
- Complaints Resolution Procedure.
Complaint (Definition): Any expression of dissatisfaction related to the company, a member of staff or a worker that requires a proper response.
Complaints Procedure: It is the company’s prescribed procedure of complaining to the company.
Complaints Resolution Procedure: It is the internal complaint-resolution procedure of the company. It is resolving concerns, grievances, complaints, and disputes between parties. The term is also sometimes used for conflict resolution or settlement; however, conflicts are more deep-rooted and prolonged than complaints and disputes.
Purpose of Complaints and Resolution Procedure: The company’s complaints and resolution procedure are intended to ensure that all complaints are handled fairly, satisfactorily, and consistently.
Contact Person for Dispute Resolution / Complaints / Grievances: For all complaints, concerns, grievances, and disputes, contact Mr Kausar Shahzad, Director MinicabRide Limited. The contact person is fully authorized to appoint a Manager or Controller to act on his behalf with a delegation of designated powers to deal with the matter. However, it will be conveyed to all concerned parties.
Source of the Company’s Complaints Resolution Policy:
The company (MinicabRide Limited) follows the advice and guidance for complaints and dispute resolution (, which refers to the advice and guidance provided by the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) for complaints and disputes resolution as a standard practice for the businesses in the United Kingdom at and ACAS grievance handling procedure
- For all individual complaints and disputes, the company adopts an internal standard procedure of lodging complaints and complaints resolution procedure derived from the ACAS Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures.
- For simplifying, all individual concerns, complaints, grievances, complaints and disputes will be resolved or settled according to the company’s Complaints’ Resolution Policy and Procedure as follows:
- The company’s complaints resolution policy and procedure are equally applicable on all of its employees, workers, contractors, business partners, suppliers, agents, corporate partners, and customers.
- Overlapping Complaint and Disciplinary Action: If the complainant is a company employee, worker or contractor, and during the pendency of complaint, there is a disciplinary action against the complainant (contractor, worker or employee), the disciplinary action will be suspended during the pendency of the complaint till the resolution of the complaint.
- For all stages of complaint resolution, the company must maintain records and meeting minutes and notes taken in proceedings and provide a copy to the complainant on demand.
- The Complaints and Resolution Procedure stated below is a brief view of how the company handles the complaint; however, for a detailed view, read ACAS ‘Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures’ at (
- Any person related to the company in any capacity, if feels dissatisfied with any action of the company (including its members of staff, workers and contractors) has the right to complain by following the company’s complaints procedure.
- The complainant’s responsibility is to complain promptly, directly and confidently to the company through the contact person within eight (8) weeks of the concern arising, recognising the fact that some circumstances may be inherently beyond the company’s control.
- Time Period for Complaint: Eight (4) Weeks from the date of arising of the issue.
- The complainant should keep record of his actions.
- The complainant should approach the ‘Contact Person’ in writing by email to provide details of the concern, problem, complaint, grievance or dispute to resolve it informally.
- How to make a complaint:
- You can make a complaint to us in writing by email:
- By Email: ;
Stage 1 – Informal Complaints Resolution Procedure:
Resolution Period: The procedure takes four (4) weeks from receipt of the informal complaint to resolve it at the first stage.
- The company must resolve the complaint informally and amicably with mutual consultation with the complainant.
- In a personal meeting, all complainants have the right to bring one colleague, friend, or union representative with them to attend the procedure at stage 1 (Informal Complaints Resolution Procedure).
- The company must treat the complainant according to the standard work and professional ethics.
- During the resolution period, the complainant must act on standard business procedures, ethics, and professionalism.
- The Contact Person must, within four (4) weeks of receipt of an informal complaint, resolve the issue either on the phone or in an informal meeting with the complainant or either way convenient for and mutually agreed by both parties.
- The Contact Person must keep a record and take notes of the Resolution with date, time, venue, and statement of agreement on the resolution of the complaint between parties and send a confirmation to the complainant of the resolution of the complaint as a record.
- If the complaint cannot be resolved informally and amicably at Stage 1 within 4 weeks of receipt, the complainant has the right to lodge a formal written complaint at Stage 2 with the company.
The company makes all efforts to maintain its trust, however, if the complainant is not satisfied with his/her complaint resolution or settlement through the internal Complaints and Resolution Procedure, the complainant has the statutory right to complain to the Legal Ombudsman.
The legal ombudsman can be contacted online. The complaint’s form is available on the website:
By Email:
By Phone: (+44) 0300 555 0333
By Post: PO Box 6806