Make the right decision to find the ultimate Longfield Minicab service

Research is quite important when you need to find the best Longfield Taxi & Minicab services for your travel requirements. You should know how it would be possible to get the perfect Longfield Taxi & Minicab services by checking their portfolio. If you manage to check their reviews, it would truly help you to get the perfect idea about their quality of services. So, you have to make sure to taking good decisions to find out whether it would be possible for you to get cost-effective services as well that would help to make you get the right amount of fulfilment. Therefore, you should make sure of looking forward to connecting with the best one, where you never have to compromise on the quality of their services. Finding the best Longfield Minicab services is possible when you contact us that would help to meet your travel needs, MiniCabRide is here to provide you with the ultimate Longfield Minicab services where you can make your stay a comfortable one as well.

Why are our Longfield Minicab services useful to you?

  • Excellent customer care service.
  • Reliable and fast Longfield Minicab service.
  • Positive reviews by our customers.
  • Lots of different fleets.
  • Different forms of payment options.

Book your Longfield Minicab online in a convenient manner

You can always find that our Longfield Minicab services are not only fast, but are also quite easy and convenient to book it online. This is the reason why you should make sure to contact MiniCabRide at the earliest for your travel requirements.

How Much Does A Minicab Cost From Longfield To And From All London Airport?

A customer is charged at a fixed rate for any airport transfer between Longfield and any of the International airports around London. The rate chart is as follows:

To /From Distance Rates
Heathrow Airport (LHR ) 19.1 Miles £100.00
Gatwick Airport ( LGW ) 47.6 Miles £88.00
Stansted Airport ( STN) 37.5 Miles £100.00
Luton Airport (LTN ) 57.1 Miles £113.00
London City Airport (LCY) 7.6 Miles £69.00
Southend Airport (  LCY) 31.8 Miles £94.00

How to book Longfield minicab Transfer from MinICabRide?

We offer multiple options through which a customer can a Longfield minicab transfers, which include:

  1. One can book our service by giving a call on 00442070050090
  2. Email us at with details of the pickup point and your contact details, so the team can make the necessary arrangement.
  3. If one is comfortable doing online, you can visit us at or download our app from the play store or Apple app store